On 13/02/13 17:11, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 13 February 2013 17:01, Alec Teal wrote:
On 13/02/13 17:00, Jonathan Wakely wrote:

I read it.  That's not debate, just ill-informed speculation ("cpp is
the recommended extension for C++ as far as I know").  We already have
C++ code in GCC, the runtime library uses .cc and the G++ testsuite
uses .C, adding .cpp as a third choice based on the opinions in that
page or your feeling of unease doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

Why not rename them to?
Because there is reason to prefer .cpp except one person who's never
contributed a line of code to GCC saying he prefers that extension.
That's really childish. I accept I have to prove myself, but people have feelings.
FWIW I prefer .cc and actually work with the files every day.

Continuing the discussion in this vein seems entirely pointless so
I'll leave this thread here.

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