On Thu, 28 Feb 2013, Paulo Matos wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking at how to correctly model in GCC predicate
> registers that have more than one bit and the value set into to
> the predicate register after a comparison depends on the size
> of the comparison.
> I have looked into GCC backends but haven't really found any
> backend with a similar constraint. Have I missed a backend that
> has similar requirements?

Except for CCmodes being dependent on source-modes, I'd sneak
peeks at PowerPC.

> If not, is there any way to currently
> (as of HEAD) model this in GCC?

IIUC, this sounds simply like having multiple separate
condition-code registers, just with a size-dependent CCmodes
twist; for each type of comparison where there'd be a separate
CCmode variant, you also need separate CCmodes for each source
mode M, all separated in cbranchM4 and cstoreM4.

brgds, H-P

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