On 13 November 2014 10:45, Richard Biener wrote:
> Hmm.
> struct assign;
> struct base {
>   operator assign *() const { return (assign *)this; }
> };
> struct assign : base {
> };
> void foo (assign *);
> void bar (base *b)
> {
>   foo (b);
> }
> doesn't work, but
> void bar (base &b)
> {
>   foo (b);
> }
> does.  Indeed C++ doesn't seem to provide what is necessary
> for the compat trick :(

Right, base* is a built-in type, you can't call a member function on it.

There is no implicit conversion between unrelated pointer types, and
no implicit conversion from base* to base& that would be necessary to
call the conversion operator of base.

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