On 17 July 2017 at 21:25, Yuri Gribov wrote:
> What to do about bugs originating in upstream packages?  I noticed
> they sometimes get closed with "RESOLVED MOVED" resolution
> (https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58841) but often this
> does not happen and they just hang in tracker forever for no good
> reason.
> Actually what I tried to emphasize is that it's impossible for a
> casual commiter (who does not have maintainer access to Bugzilla i.e.
> rights to close bugs) to contribute to project by cleaning stale bugs,
> because requests to close them are mostly ignored (because
> maintainers, obviously, have much more interesting work to do).

Even if the bug remains open until a maintainer happens to look at it
again, the information that it's fixed in a current release is still
useful to add.

So I'd encourage you to still add such information, you're not wasting
your time.

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