
We are trying to create a memory barrier with following testcase.

#include <stdio.h>

void Test()
float fDivident = 0.000000001f;
float fResult = 0.0f;

fResult = ( fDivident / fResult );

__asm volatile ("mfence" ::: "memory");

printf("\nResult: %f\n", fResult);

'mfence' performs a serializing operation on all load-from-memory and 
store-to-memory instructions that were issued prior the MFENCE instruction. 
This serializing operation guarantees that every load and store instruction 
that precedes the MFENCE instruction in program order becomes globally visible 
before any load or store instruction that follows the MFENCE instruction.

The mfence instruction with memory clobber asm instruction should create a 
barrier between division and printf instructions.

When the testcase is compiled with optimization options O1 and above it can be 
observed that the mfence instruction is reordered and precedes division 

We expected that the two sets of assembly instructions, one pertaining to 
division operation and another pertaining to the printf operation, would not 
get mixed up on reordering by the GCC compiler optimizer because of the 
presence of the __asm volatile ("mfence" ::: "memory"); line between them.

But, the generated assembly, which is inlined below for reference, isn't quite 
right as per our expectation.


        pushl   %ebp    # 23    *pushsi2        [length = 1]
        movl    %esp, %ebp      # 24    *movsi_internal/1       [length = 2]
        subl    $24, %esp       # 25    pro_epilogue_adjust_stack_si_add/1      
[length = 3]
        fldz    # 20    *movxf_internal/3       [length = 2]
        fdivrs  .LC0    # 13    *fop_xf_4_i387/1        [length = 6]
You may note that the mfence instruction is generated before the fdivrs 

Can you please let us know if the usage of the "asm (mfence)" instruction as 
given in the above testcase is the right way of creating the expected memory 
barrier between the two sets of instructions pertaining to the division and 
printf operations, respectively or not?

If yes, then we think, it's a bug in Compiler. Could you please confirm?

If no, then what is the correct usage of "asm (mfence)" so as to get/ achieve 
the memory barrier functionality as expected in the above testcase?

Vivek Kinhekar

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