
On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, Joseph Myers wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, Michael Matz wrote:
> > > About the location of libgcov.{a,so}, I believe right place would be now:
> > > 
> > > /home/marxin/bin/gcc/lib64/libgcov.so.1
> > > /home/marxin/bin/gcc/lib64/libgcov.so
> > > /home/marxin/bin/gcc/lib64/libgcov.a
> > 
> > No.  With version dependend dirs the .so symlink and the .a file have to 
> > be placed into the version dependend dirs.  Look at where libgcc_s.so and 
> > libgcc.a are placed on your system.
> Well, normally libgcc_s.so (a linker script, but that detail doesn't 
> really matter here) goes in that lib64 directory alongside 
> libgcc_s.so.1; it's only libgcc.a that goes in libsubdir.

As a distro we build our gcc packages with 
--enable-version-specific-runtime-libs, so as to support installing 
multiple ones in parallel.  I think libgcov should be no different from 
libgcc_s in this respect (and all other libraries of GCC should rather be 
supporting this scheme as well, instead of standing as point-in-case of 
not having to support this).


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