On Wed, 18 Mar 2020, Jonathan Wakely via Gcc wrote:

> > Some git based projects are using gerrit.
> Which I looked into previously and decided I didn't like it. If I
> recall correctly, gerrit has to "own" the repo, and so it's only

The glibc experiment with gerrit worked without it owning the repo.  
There were a few issues with email notifications that were addressed by 
local patches to gerrit, and a few other such issues with email 
interaction that didn't get addressed but looked like they could have been 
- but nothing for which addressing it seemed unacceptable upstream or that 
looked fatal to using gerrit without it owning the repo and (given some 
fixes) working reasonably well with email (similarly well to Bugzilla, say 
- sending email notifications to a list with sensible content, doing 
something sensible with email replies).

Joseph S. Myers

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