On Mon, 2020-05-11 at 17:14 +0200, Moritz Strübe wrote:
> I just wanted to point out that Herbceptions do not only fix
> performance 
> issues, but also code-size problems. While anything below 4GB of RAM
> is 
> considered under-powered for a PC, typical deep embedded
> environments 
> have something around 32k of program memory and 2K of ram. And even 
> those running Linux often have around 32MB program memory and 8MB of 
> RAM. Also most of these systems are very cost sensitive, so each
> byte 
> matters. Therefore RTTI and exceptions are one of the main reasons
> why 
> parts of the embedded community consider C++ unusable: They do some 
> experiments using C++ and the code size explodes.  And even if you
> know 
> what you are doing and turn interrupts and RTTI off, adding a 
> std::nothrow to every "new" to do decent error handling is pretty 
> annoying. Not mentioning the parts of the C++ library that don't
> provide 
> exception-free error-handling.
> So yes, improving the performance is nice, but ISO C++ will still be 
> unusable for most computer systems: There are way more emdedded
> systems 
> with less than 32MB program memory out there than PCs, Servers and 
> mobile phones together.

Very nice that Moritz finally mentioned it (; The world of deep
embedded is usually forgotten by all the language committees and people
who are in charge. That's why the proposal by Herb is a real surprise
and I really hope it could be implemented someday.

The numbers above are maybe a bit too strict. A typical ARM Cortex-M
chip can have up to 2 MB of ROM and 512 kB of RAM, but I would say that
usually it has around 128-256 kB of ROM and somewhere around 16-64 kB
of RAM. The problem with C++ exceptions is that even in the most
trivial of the programs and even if you don't explicitly
use/catch/throw them, they instantly eat around 60 kB of ROM and quite
a lot of RAM. With some hacking you can get down to about 20 kB of ROM
(by overriding a lot of string formatting code and overriding
std::terminate()), but this is still too much for a feature you
actually don't use.

I actually have to build my own toolchain instead of the one provided
by ARM, because to really NOT use C++ exceptions, you have to recompile
the whole libstdc++ with `-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti` (yes, I know they
provide the "nano" libraries, but I the options they used for newlib
don't suit my needs - this is "too minimized"). If you pass these two
flags during compilation and linking of your own application, this
disables these features only in your code. As libstdc++ is compiled
with exceptions and RTTI enabled, they get pulled during link anyway,
bloating the binary size with a functionality you don't use and can't
use - every throw from the library ends up as std::teminate() anyway.
That's why the statement by Herb that C++ exceptions are never zero-
cost when not used is perfectly true.

The performance is also an issue. Article I've read sometime ago
mentioned that a trivial throw out of a single function takes about
7000-10000 clock cycles until it is catched, which is unacceptable for
any real-time solution (normal return with error handling would take at
most a few dozen). But the size issue is a blocker for deep embedded,
then the performance and deterministic behaviour are only secondary
issues in such environment.


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