On Tue, 12 May 2020 at 09:17, Freddie Chopin wrote:
> The problem with C++ exceptions is that even in the most
> trivial of the programs and even if you don't explicitly
> use/catch/throw them, they instantly eat around 60 kB of ROM and quite
> a lot of RAM. With some hacking you can get down to about 20 kB of ROM
> (by overriding a lot of string formatting code and overriding
> std::terminate()),

You're talking about C++ exceptions in general, but the problems you
mention seems to be issues with specific implementation properties.

If the comments above are referring to the libstdc++ verbose terminate
handler, that's configurable. Configuring GCC with
--disable-libstdcxx-verbose will disable that, and so will building
libstdc++ with -fno-exceptions. That was fixed years ago.

If there are remaining problems where I/O and string routines get
dragged in without exceptions and the verbose terminate handler,
please report bugs against libstdc++. I would expect heroics to be
needed for a tiny footprint, but it should be possible to get a small
footprint just by rebuilding with the right options and flags.

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