Hi @ll,

in his ACM queue article <https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=3372264>,
Matt Godbolt used the function

| bool isWhitespace(char c)
| {
|     return c == ' '
|       || c == '\r'
|       || c == '\n'
|       || c == '\t';
| }

as an example, for which GCC 9.1 emits the following assembly for AMD64
processors (see <https://godbolt.org/z/acm19_conds>):

|    xor    eax, eax              ; result = false
|    cmp    dil, 32               ; is c > 32
|    ja     .L4                   ; if so, exit with false
|    movabs rax, 4294977024       ; rax = 0x100002600
|    shrx   rax, rax, rdi         ; rax >>= c
|    and    eax, 1                ; result = rax & 1
|    ret

This code is but not optimal!
The following equivalent and branchless code works on i386 too,
it needs neither an AMD64 processor nor the SHRX instruction,
which is not available on older processors:

     mov    ecx, edi
     mov    eax, 2600h            ; eax = (1 << '\r') | (1 << '\n') | (1 << 
     test   cl, cl
     setnz  al                    ; eax |= (c != '\0')
     shr    eax, cl               ; eax >>= (c % ' ')
     xor    edx, edx
     cmp    ecx, 33               ; CF = c <= ' '
     adc    edx, edx              ; edx = (c <= ' ')
     and    eax, edx

Stefan Kanthak

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