On Freitag, 27. November 2020 00:50:57 CET Jonathan Wakely via Gcc wrote:
> I've touched on the subject a few times, e.g.
> https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc/2019-December/230993.html
> and https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc/2019-December/231013.html
> Libstdc++ code is indented by 2 columns for the enclosing namespace,
> usually another two for being in a template, and is full of __
> prefixes for reserved names. On top of that, modern C++ declarations
> are *noisy* (template head, requires-clause, noexcept-specifier, often
> 'constexpr' or 'inline' and 'explicit', and maybe some attributes.
> All that gets hard to fit in 80 columns without compromising
> readability with line breaks in unnatural places.
> Does anybody object to raising the line length for libstdc++ code
> (not the rest of GCC) to 100 columns?
If you _do_ change it. I would suggest changing it to 120, which is next 
common step for a lot of C++ projects.

Often also with an allowance for overruns if that makes the code cleaner.


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