On Sat, 27 Mar 2021, 13:40 Alexandre Oliva via Gcc, <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:

> What could support any rational belief that having RMS one extra level
> removed from our technical community would bring about anything
> resembling a solution to the very undesirable and unjust gender
> imbalance you've correctly identified?

I completely agree that more work is needed to address the very real
imbalance. But listing his name on our web page as a leader of the project
surely makes a difference to how the project is perceived.

The active developers know he is not involved in any significant way, but
you wouldn't know that from the web page. The link to the SC is right at
the top of the gcc.gnu.org home page. Surely that gives a misleading
impression to potential new contributors, of all genders and backgrounds.
Is it helpful to give that impression?

If the SC decision is that it's fine, then making a statement to that
effect seems necessary. Which is the alternative Nathan asked for. Act or
explain, but don't stay silent. I think it's fair to ask for that.

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