On Tue, 30 Mar 2021, 08:48 mfriley via Gcc, <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:

> For the record, I am not a GNU contributor--I am only chiming in as a
> FOSS sympathizer. I will not pretend to be unbiased, or to have any sort
> of personal experience with, or extensive knowledge of, RMS's behavior
> apropos of GCC, or any other GNU project.
> > (For the last point, I don't think the free software movement needs a
> > single leader; it needs many people advocating free software, and
> > discussing issues related to free software, from diverse perspectives.
> > RMS's ideas that form the foundation of the free software movement are
> > still of fundamental importance today.  But other people can now build
> > better on those ideas in today's context.)
> Perhaps it does not need a *formal* leader, but I am strongly inclined
> to believe that guidance in some form or another does matter, and I think
> a lot of RMS's supporters (vocal or otherwise) feel similarly. Some have
> claimed that RMS has only repelled people from free software, and yet,
> in spite of the threat of cancellation, many more people have signed the
> letter in support of RMS than the one demanding his removal.

We're talking here about whether he should be on the GCC steering
committee, not the FSF board. The GCC community should decide, not
signatories to petitions.

> "Leaderless" movements are always feckless because they lack direction.

We're not talking about a movement, were talking about the GCC project. We
have leaders, and a steering committee. RMS does not contribute usefully to
that steering committee.

> They start with good intentions, but when anyone can find a soapbox and
> [...]

This is not directed at any reasoned criticism of RMS. I doubt that
> everyone who wants him removed is so bluntly insane. If GNU and the
> FSF see it fit, that is entirely their prerogative. But it will do
> absolutely nothing to satisfy these people, because they are acting
> in bad faith. As others have suggested, I fear that it will only make
> things worse.

Totally irrelevant to his position on the GCC steering committee. If you
want to discuss the broader issues, please do so elsewhere.

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