On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 13:29, Richard Biener wrote:
> And just to repeat - all the GCC governance structure (the "SC") represents
> all of the same non-openess as the FSF governance structure (because
> the "SC" is in fact appointed by the Chief GNUisance "or his delegates").

The SC was appointed by the egcs community. They were then blessed as
"the official GNU maintainer" of the GNU project when egcs replaced
gcc as "the compiler for the GNU system", but we don't have to *be* a
GNU project. GNU cannot remove the SC, if they tried we'd just say
we're independent of GNU and then they don't get to have a say.

So no, the SC is not appointed by RMS, except in the same way that the
UK government is "chosen" by the Queen. By convention she appoints a
Prime Minister (the SC) and asks the PM to form a government (the GCC
devs). But in reality her "choice" is the party that won the election.
She is not allowed to choose for herself, or there would be ...
problems. If RMS or GNU tried to "choose" a new maintainer or replace
the SC, there would be ... problems.

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