On Wed, 2021-03-31 at 16:18 +0200, Christopher Dimech via Gcc wrote:


> As for the "safe spaces" phase, this is about eliminating anything
> and
> everything that could emotionally troubling students. This assumes a
> high
> degree of fragility among western students.  I work as a journalist
> and
> have had colleagues blown to smithereens - foot there, bits of brain
> there.
> I wonder how many of you bitches, have ever been shot or had a bomb
> blown
> up your ass.   

I've been attempting to decide if you're merely trolling us, or if you
genuinely believe the stuff you've been posting to this list.

With your latest missive I'm leaning to the former interpretation, but
if the latter, may I humbly suggest that referring to us as "bitches"
might not be the best way to win people over, and that it's not normal
to have to work in a literal war zone, and that most reasonable people
do not want to work in a figurative war zone.


Hope this is constructive

(my opinions only, not my employer's)

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