On 3/31/21 2:27 PM, David Edelsohn via Gcc wrote:
[I previously sent this from another email account, but it seems to be
lost.  I am sending this on behalf of the GCC Steering Committee.]

In 2012 RMS was added to the GCC Steering Committee web page
based on his role in the GNU Project, though his role as a member
of the Steering Committee has been ambiguous and he was not a member
of the Steering Committee when EGCS became GCC[1].  We no longer feel
that this listing serves the best interests of the GCC developer and
user community.  Therefore, we are removing him from the page.

GCC supports the principles of Free Software and has remained aligned
with the GNU Project since EGCS became GCC, but effectively has continued
to operate as an autonomous project.

The GCC Steering Committee is committed to providing a friendly, safe
and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender identity and
expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical
appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, or
similar personal characteristics.

- The GCC Steering Committee

[1] https://static.lwn.net/1999/0429/a/gcc.html

You, the SC, have chosen to fix this as a clerical error. The most do-nothing response, other than actually doing nothing.

I am profoundly disappointed that you have not even acknowledged the harm RMS has caused. Using passive voiced 'RMS was added' phrasing. You're not explicitly saying that was incorrect, and neither are you saying it was correct. Your language attempts to distance you from your choices.

'we no longer feel the listing serves the best interest'. 'Therefore, we are removing him from the page FULLSTOP'. Well, at least that's not passive voice, but it is a milque-toast response. You're not removing him from the SC, merely removing mention of him from the listing. You're not adding words to the website mentioning this historical ambiguity/error/misjudgement (you'd say if you were, right?). You're not adding words acknowledging that RMS's involvement has been detrimental and repelled contributors. Nor are you apologizing. You're not owning your mistake. You just hope the problem will silently go away. The problem will not go away.

/You/ involved RMS in SC discussions. /You/ treated him as a member thereof. /You/ gave him controlling rights.

You have misled the majority of GCC developers, and the wider community by doing so. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it's a duck. (As compiler developers for duck-typed languages, you should understand that.)

You involved RMS prior to 2012, and continued to do so after. Including after 2019 when he was no longer at the FSF. Two instances I personally know of:

1) Sometime around 2005? maybe later, I lobbied to change gcc's implementation language to C++. I failed because I'm lazy and learned I was arguing against an RMS effective veto. (I learned this because Mark Mitchell informed me that some SC members were also pushing back against RMS's opposition to C++. I was not privy to the actual SC discussion.) If he was not an SC member, why was he even in that private conversation? The public ML would have been more appropriate place for non-SC opinions to be voiced. Just think, we could have transitioned to C++ earlier than we did, if it were not for the SC's inclusio of RMS.

2) Last year, I asked for libcody to be added as a subcomponent, with its Apachev2 license intact. AFAICT RMS was involved in that licensing discussion, /for which I never received a response/. He was not at the FSF then, so he could not render any FSF licensing opinion. Why was he involved? If he was not involved, how did he learn of it in order to ask me questions about C++ modules? I only emailed the SC and the timing is too coincidental to draw a different conclusion.

Interactions I've had with the SC, beyond maintainer appointment, seem to run into RMS. (In the original email I mentioned a third interaction about RMS's position on the SC, which didn't do so, but also was decidedly one way.)

You, the SC, do not state that you will not continue to involve RMS in discussions, just as you have done for the past 20 years. You merely feel the listing is unfortunate.

Your final paragraph is the corporate BS of hollow men. Nice words, no specific actions.

Richard Biener pointed out dysfunction in the SC. The case of the missing question I asked in 2019 also points to that. This response gives me no confidence that things will materially change. I call for the dissolution of the SC, replacing it with a more open, functional and inclusive body (which includes, nothing).


FWIW, I am surprised that you, the SC, chose to respond only to the mailing list, and not CC me, the original complainant, of your decision. Perhaps that seems petty, but it is personally insulting.
Nathan Sidwell

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