Giacomo Tesio wrote:
> And while this is IBM, the other US corporations with affiliations in
the Steering Committee are no better:

> I can understand that some of you consider working for such corporations "a 
> joy".
> But for the rest of us, and to most people outside the US, their influence
over the leadership of GCC is a threat.
> Please, do not create a hostile environment for indipendent contributors.

What do you mean by independent? If you're independently wealthy and
don't need to work, you can avoid this. If you're a cashier or field
laborer or in some other poorly paid job, then your employer probably
doesn't care. Otherwise, if you work for a company that produces
software, even just internally, or for a university, or a company
where your name might be associated with the company, then your
employer may demand that you cease publicly working on Free Software.

I find it a bit hypocritical; there's no objection to the fact that
GCC was developed using stuff bought with funds donated by these
companies, their creators and their employees, to MIT, including
people like Jeffery Epstein, one of the Koch brothers, and Bill Gates.
But how dare IBM hire people to work on GCC! We need to preserve our

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