On Mon, 14 Feb 2022, Andras Tantos wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm working on porting GCC to a new processor architecture. I think
> I've finally got to a fairly stable stage, so the next logical step
> would be to test and optimize. For that, I would need some benchmarks,
> and this is where I'm seeking your help.
> This being a hobby project, I can't shell out $1000+ for the spec
> suite. On top of that, I only have newlib ported as the runtime, which
> means very limited support for OS facilities.
> I already have dhrystone, but what else would you recommend using?
> I'm looking for 'general purpose' payloads, things, where I can judge
> object code size, instruction set utilization, look for tuning
> opportunities, etc.
> I would like to also be able to compare the results with other
> architectures (FPGA cores, such as nios2 as well as some low-end cores,
> such as 32-bit arm/thumb and riscv-RV32IMFC).
> So, can you suggest some benchmarks or applications to be used as ones?

I don't see Coremark being mentioned yet.  It's at
https://github.com/eembc/coremark.git and certainly
general-purpose; just have follow README.md.  I suggest the 10
iterations mentioned in README.md and outputting the number of
cycles from your simulator at exit (through a hook or by a
simulator option).

brgds, H-P

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