In message <op.w4ggmfkcl0n5eg@amoe.local>
          "Ben Avison" <> wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Apr 2013 23:55:50 +0100, John Tytgat <> wrote:
> >>     ! 0, :STR::CC_ENCODING:"AL"
> >>
> >> should output "E0000000", but outputs "0000000E" instead.
> >
> > Interesting, that's not what I've understood from ARM's assembler manuals
> > but rereading its description I see that's it was not so well specified.
> > Fixed with r6390.
> I've just built a new copy of asasm from SVN, and consequently only just
> noticed there's a problem with this fix. Now it's outputting "0E000000" -
> there's a 24 in the sources that should have been a 28. This was masked
> in the project I was using it in by an unrelated bug that meant that the
> code was never being executed, but actually it was causing my macro to
> assemble an undefined instruction. Oh dear...

Oh dear indeed ;-( Apologies for that.  Fixed with r6504.

John Tytgat, in his comfy chair at home

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