As a follow up on this issue, if I remove the -of VRT on the gdal_translate it will create a geotif and then ALL the tiles are extracted without any errors. So this looks like a bug in gdalwarp or in the JP2MRSID driver since the jp2 can be converted to a geotif without errors and gdalwarp will work with it, but has trouble when you try to extract sub-zones from the jp2 image.

Currently, I only have 500MB jp2 files to work with, I will look through the files and see if I can find a smaller one that exhibits the same behavior.

Does anyone else have any of these large county composite jp2 images that they can try and confirm this issue with?


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

I posted this buried in another thread and thought it should be reposted in its own thread. A short history, I have a lot of USDA county composite DOQQs that have been assembled into JPEG2000 files that are about 500MB each. I am trying to chop these back into DOQQ GeoTiffs. I have a script that does the chopping, it just automates the process and issues commands to do the work.

I have abandon using the JPEG2000 driver and an now using the JP2MRSID driver. This is working better, but I'm still having problems like this:

I create a VRT file as follows for each jp2 file:

mkdir -p /home/swoodbridge/tiler-tiffs/30430-1226332146/src
gdal_translate -of VRT /var/data/raw_data/minnesota/ortho_1-1_1m_j_mn161_2008_1.jp2 -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 /home/swoodbridge/tiler-tiffs/30430-1226332146/src/tmp.vrt

then the VRT file is iterated over to extract the tiles with commands like:

gdalwarp -srcnodata 0 -dstnodata 0 -s_srs +init=epsg:26915 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -te -93.5 43.8125 -93.4375 43.875 -rb -wm 250 --config GDAL_ONE_BIG_READ ON -co "TILED=YES" /home/swoodbridge/tiler-tiffs/30430-1226332146/src/tmp.vrt /home/swoodbridge/tiler-tiffs/30430-1226332146/B-93_43/B-93_43_041.tif

gdalwarp: ../compressed/compressed.cpp:1724: bool kd_tile::read_tile_part_header(): Assertion `tpart_body_length >= 0' failed.
Creating output file that is 6029P x 6029L.

This does not happen on all image tiles that I try to extract, but does happen on a significant number of them like nearly 50% in one case. I looked at the pattern of failures and it looks like failures happen within a row of the jp2, so extracted tiles are G=good, X=bad, .=empty



Any thoughts on this?
Is there a way to verify its compression integrity?

I have try two different jp2 files of the 300+ friles that need to to be chopped up and gotten similar results.

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