Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri <at> swoodbridge.com> writes:

PPS. I don't understand your point where you seem to suggest that converting
to tiff first is slower than other mechanisms.  Are you suggesting it takes
2-3 hours to convert a 500MB jpeg2000 image to GeoTIFF?  Perhaps you need
to up your GDAL block cache size?
Yes, this is exactly my problem it is taking 2-3 hours to run:

GDAL_SKIP=JPEG2000 gdal_translate my.jp2 -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 my.tif

There is absolutely something basically wrong.  For that little files conversion
to GeoTIFF should take perhaps 5 minutes.  Try skipping more drivers and see how
Kakadu driver performs.  If you want to know how fast it can be, download Kakadu
win32 executables from www.kakadusoftware.com and measure how long it takes to
expand your images to GeoTIFFs with kdu_expand.

Hi Jukka,

Thank you for that pointer. I grabbed the linux version and kdu_expand is really fast!!! 2 mins if the source file is not cached and 55 sec if it is cached by the file system. But is only is expanding the first band, do you know how I can get it to expand bands 1,2,3 into the tiff as r,g,b? If I can do that then I could just use that as an interim step to expand the jp2 into a tif and then do the gdalwarp based on that.

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