Problem solved.  For the benefit of the group and the searchable list
archives, I'll describe here what was going on.

My build on Windows, using makegdal80.sln, was generating a gdal15.dll
with symbols and gdal15.pdb file.  For whatever reason, these files
did not contain sufficient information for me to step in to the code
in a debug session.  After poking around for some time, I found that
the OPTFLAGS in nmake.opt were set to the optimized build.  I'm not
sure why I was seeing the debug symbols loading, but changing OPTFLAGS
to generate a gdal.pdb (along with the gdal15.pdb) gave me the debug
information I needed.  (In 1.6.0, the OPTFLAGS is set for debug when
DEBUG is defined, which seems to make more sense.)

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Joel Odom <> wrote:
> More notes on the issue below.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Joel Odom <>
> Date: Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 11:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] Debugging on Windows Using Visual Studio
> To: Frank Warmerdam <>
> I'm building from makegdal80.sln.  I'm also starting my debug sessions
> from this same solution.  I'm getting symbols in gdal15.dll and the
> .pdb file, but I still can't set a break point anywhere.  It's like
> the debug symbols don't map correctly to the source code.
> I'm wondering if there is some flag in the makefile options that is
> not being set, so the program debug information is incomplete?  I am
> able to set a break point in my dll that calls gdal, but not anywhere
> in the gdal methods.  Again, this is all in VS 2005.  I'll post an
> answer here if I figure out the problem before I give up, but if
> anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it.
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 11:10 AM, Frank Warmerdam <> wrote:
>> Joel Odom wrote:
>>> Bruce.  I'm trying to debug an app that uses GDAL from unmanaged C++
>>> on Visual Studio 2005.  I've tried for an hour or two to step into
>>> gdal, running debug sessions both from the project file from which I
>>> build gdal and from the app that calls into GDAL, but even when I run
>>> from the gdal solution itself, it still doesn't let me step through
>>> source code, even though the modules window says gdal15.dll is loaded
>>> with symbols from the same location as my .pdb file.
>> Joel,
>> I have generally not had problems with this.  Did you build GDAL using
>> the nmake files or the solution?  I've had good luck debugging the
>> utilities and into GDAL itself with visual studio. I normally run things
>> from the commandline and pop into visual studio when things crash (even
>> triggering crashes at select points).
>> This is usually with visual studio 2003.
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
>> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
>> light and sound - activate the windows |
>> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
> --
> --

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