Jorge Arévalo wrote:
> The entire process could be improved by several ways:
> - I would like to have an enhaced PNG driver, to reduce the size of the
> tiles. For this reason, I had a theoretical approach to NeuQuant
> algorithm and I used pngnq. I discovered the relation between this
> algorithm and Kohonen Neural Networks, that I studied during my degree,
> and I liked a lot. Basically, for these reasons I'm interested in the
> project about PNG Driver

Nice idea.

> - On one hand, at first I was using raster data, instead of vector data.
> When the need of merging data arose, I had to change the point and use
> vector data + Postgis. On the other hand, I would like to integrate my
> layer to another ones in a bigger context, and I think that the raster
> support on Postgis will be a really useful thing. For these reasons, I'm
> interested in the project about WKT Raster.


> - Before using gdal2tiles, I made my own "map tiler", creating the tiles
> needed "on-the-fly". As thought, it didn't work. I tried to use my own
> "tile cache system". One problem was the low rate of cache hints. Then,
> I discovered the WMS standard, and recently, the coming WMTS standard,
> even better. For this reason, I'm interested in the project about WMTS
> implementation.

Good as well.

> Now, this is my "minimum schedule". This is, the minimum amount of time
> that I can use this summer. With high probability, I will be able to use
> more time, but I prefer to put myself in the worst situation:
> May 23 - June 30: 22h per week (total 118h)
> July 1 - July 31: 45h per week (total 207h)
> August 1 - August 10: 22h per week (total 26h)

It should be more than enough.

> Finally, I have experience with C, C++, Java and Python languages. My
> favourite one is C. I made the most of my practice work during degree in C.


> Do you think, with this provisional schedule in mind, that I can apply
> for one of the projects?

Yes, I'm sure you are able to do it.

> If not, would it be possible to find a mentor for one of them?
> Without paying and GSoC deadlines, of course.

I'm sure you can try, it won't hurt :-)

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot,
Charter Member of OSGeo,
gdal-dev mailing list

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