On 2011-02-07 15:45, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
On 11-02-07 06:25 AM, Jan Hartmann wrote:
Is there a place to put al the links on the stere-sterea subject together? In my experience, discussions about projection parameters tend to get fragmented, and even if a solution has been found, old errors tend to show up time and again. Sometimes, I can only find the solution in my private email archive.


I had been hoping to convert the topics at:


into Trac wiki topics so that anyone could easily update them.  Perhaps
the MetaCRS wiki would be more appropriate than the GeoTIFF one. If anyone was interested in taking that on as a task, I'd be happy to update the links

We could start by moving over the oblique stereographic discussion and
updating it with the missing information.

OK Frank, I'll take up the two Dutch problems, sterea and the towgs84 conversion. You won't believe how much discussion I still see over here about things not fitting with Google Maps. It would be nice to have an authorative reference. Please say how I can help out.


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