Hi Even,
20.05.2012 21:23, Even Rouault написал:
Hi GDAL developers and users (actually, developers of other projects using
GDAL ;-)),

This issue was raised incidently in the "[gdal-dev] VRTComplexSource with a
LUT, proposal" thread at http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2012-
May/032872.html .

I think it is good time to discuss now what we want to allow, or not, for GDAL
2.0, as far as the C/C++ API is concerned.


Up to now, the signature of functions added in the GDAL/OGR C API has never
changed, once they have been added.

What should be the rule for GDAL 2.0 ?

1) do not change the signature of any function already present in the C API.
If breaking changes are necessary, then introduce "FooEx", or "Foo2" versions
of those functions as done in the past. The drawback of that approach is that
the API becomes cluttered.

2) do not change the signature of any commonly used functions, but allow
changes in marginally used functions. The definition of commonly functions
w.r.t marginally used ones is a bit arbitrary. Looking at the symbols used by
popular Open Source software using GDAL C API could give a clue in case of
doubt (MapServer, QGIS, GRASS, PostGIS, or in-tree GDAL utilities using C API

3) allow changes even in commonly used functions.
I think that the option of three is good enough, but we must try to keep close second option.

Options 2) or 3) would likely require other projects to have #if GDAL_VERSION
= 2000 in some places if they plan to support older GDAL versions. Unless
they plan to update their dependency requirements when they release a newer
version of their project (Project XX version<  1.Y depends on GDAL<  2.0.
Version>= 1.Y depends on GDAL>= 2.0).


As far as the C++ API is concerned, the policy up to now was that minor
changes between GDAL 1.X version and GDAL 1.(X+1) were OK. Generally, the
changes have been the addition of new optional arguments, that only required
recompilation to solve the change of ABI, but did not require code changes.

For GDAL 2.0, I believe that most major changes could occur, especially if the
OGR "grand unification" occurs, but for now, I don't know the impact that that
might cause.
I think gdal 2.0 could provide new capabilities in prejudice of backward compatibility. But it should depend of new features and their costs.

Syntax of command line utilities

A bit out of topic, since it is about UI and not API. But a lot of scripts in
the wild call popular GDAL command line utilities. Changes in their syntax
would cause potentially more headaches, given the larger number of users
w.r.t. developers using GDAL ;-) The page at
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GDAL20Changes lists a few changes that have
been proposed (just as a reminder : nothing listed there is officially vetted).

The same question also arise with the API of the various bindings languages.

Feedback welcome !

Best regards,


gdal-dev mailing list

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