You might also take a look at the -dev packages at
The compilation is controlled by a single makefile, so you can use:

nmake gdal
nmake gdal-csharp

to achieve the desired result.

Best regards,


2012/10/29 Noon Silk <>

> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 9:47 PM, Tamas Szekeres <>
> wrote:
> > This doc is fairly old (written by me ;-) , but the build process hasn't
> > been changed for years. What did you mean by "it doesn't appear to be
> > included as part of any existing build/packaging process"?
> I guess what I meant here is that the building of the swig bindings
> for some particular language aren't in, say, the root "".
> And the scripts that perhaps do do some sort of build (though, not
> that I'm actually using at the moment) need to be called directly.
> I.e. I had sort of assumed that I'd end up, at some point, with the
> swig stuff distributed in the same fashion that I do with the rest of
> gdal, when I do "nmake ... install" (in the end I've just hacked the
> scripts to do this, but clearly that's not ideal ...)
> Anyway, thanks for your help, and there only remains one problem to
> solve (I think with the signing of the swig generated stuff; .NET is
> upset about some sort of code calling native libs ...) then it might
> just work!
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Tamas
> --
> Noon
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