Hi all,

It's written in

> Starting with GDAL 2.3, options can be passed in the filename with the
following syntax: /vsicurl/option1=val1[,optionN=valN]*,url=http://...

I'd like to discuss the design decisions that are being made here before
this gets out into the world.

I'm uncomfortable with the way configuration is spread between environment
variables, config options that surface in the API, and also in identifiers.
I don't think it's a great idea to that expand the amount of configuration
in dataset identifiers. It's redundant, the syntax is complicated, and it
dilutes the network effects of reusing identifiers in our applications.

Are there specific advantages to this

  ogrinfo -so /vsicurl/max_retry=10,url=https://example.com/poly.shp

that we can't also have with a curl-style

  ogrinfo -so --max-retry=10 /vsicurl/https://example.com/poly.shp

or, better yet, in my opinion

  ogrinfo -so --max-retry=10 https://example.com/poly.shp

on the command line?

Sean Gillies
gdal-dev mailing list

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