
> True, but that does eliminate ambiguity in the URL, and does so in a
> well-known way.
> Does the current scheme use any encoding?


> How would you escape text in
> option values that might use `=` and `,` etc? Or are there guaranteed to be
> no freeform-text options in these paths?

Currently, given the supported set of options and values, yes. In case of 
future ambiguity, 
yes, we'd need to define some escaping rules.

> Tangential, but related: I've also just discovered the 2.2+ curly-brace
> syntax for vsizip/vsitar paths, which allows nested archives:

That's a side effect. The main motivation was that there are .tar or .zip files 
in the wild that 
for good or wrong reasons have non standard extensions.

> /vsizip/{/vsizip/{/path/to/}/path/to/}/file.shp
> The curly braces are a definite improvement on the ambiguous older syntax
> for these paths. However, we noted the nesting order looks inside-out, and
> thought it would have been more intuitive to put the path *inside* the
> archive in the braces. i.e. nesting would look like:
> > /vsizip//path/to/{/vsizip//path/to/{file.shp}}

Hum, that doesn't seem really better to me, and I can't see how that could be 
implemented. /
vsizip//path/to/{file.shp} couldn't be succesfully resolved by the 
vsizip VFS since /
path/to/ isn't a regular file itself.

/vsizip/{/vsizip/{/path/to/}/path/to/}/file.shp is really 
closer how it works 
internally, and is close to function-like syntax f(g(h(x))) where you start 
evaluating the most 
internal member.

So you have /vsizip/{something}/file.shp, which means we'll expose a file 
handle, for a file.shp 
in a zip archive accessed through "something"
"something" happens to expand to /vsizip/{/path/to/}/path/to/ 
means we will return a file (that happens to be itself a zip, but at that 
stage, only  /vsizip/
{something}/file.shp cares that is  a zip), that is in a zip file 
/path/to/, which happens 
to be a regular file.

> Of course, this latter syntax was added in 2.2, so perhaps that ship has
> already sailed.



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