Peter Baumann kirjoitti 23.10.2017 klo 18:01:
Hi all,

splendid idea! Anybody who feels like working on WCS 2 support, feel free to
contact me or my group for any sort of explanations sought (I am the spec writer
of the coverages, admittedly). Note that the Coverage Implementation Schema
(CIS) 1.1 is out.  Maybe this is a good starter: .

"universe of optional extensions"

sounds like a fun software development project :)

In short, how well do you see WCS 2 / the coverage model fits GDAL data model? It's not just raster anymore, right?

I guess the basic question is that do you think the existing WCS driver is not an appropriate starting point?

In any case I don't have at this point any real funding / time for this so I'd start incrementally and just reading the capabilities response for coverage list is enough. But, I see the importance.


  I' be
most happy to see GDAL WCS2-enabled!


On 10/23/2017 12:19 PM, Even Rouault wrote:
Hi Ari,

It seems to me that the WCS driver could benefit from some love.
That would be a good initiative!

In the wished feature list, I could add:

* improve test coverage, which is really low currently:
One issue we have for testing is the lack of stable & reliable servers.
One potential way of addressing this is to use a local HTTP server, like I did 
recently with the /vsis3/ (and similar)
subsystems, where you can add stub endpoints. An extra advantage is that you 
can also easily test error situations.
- example of server start and end
- example of installation of HTTP answers to expected requests:

* WCS 2.0 support


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