cool work! Once released, you may want to list yourself here: .

FYI, GDAL is already listed here:


On 10/27/2017 06:38 PM, Ari Jolma wrote:
> I have my initial work here:
> what I've done so far:
> * Recognize WCS:URL format
> * Parse GetCapabilities XML (versions 1.0.0 to 2.0.1)
> * Simple cache for various XML-files (PAM, WCS_GDAL, Capabilities,
> DescribeCoverage)
> My goal is to support something like (1-3 work somehow, 3 only for 1.0.0 - for
> 1.1.1 it issues a too large GetCoverage request, maybe I broke something(?))
> 1) gdalinfo WCS:URL-to-server
>         this fetches, parses and caches GetCapabilities XML
> 2) pick a layer from the list (DescribeCoverage URL is given)
> 3) gdalinfo WCS:DescribeCoverage-URL
> 4) use the layer
> I'll work on at least basic support for 2.0.1 - time permitting.
> Notes:
> * No tests yet in the autotest suite
> * I'm testing against existing ArcGIS, GeoServer and MapServer servers on the 
> net
> * The namespace support in parsing XML may be a bit overkill, but anyway its
> there.
> * There are a few small utility functions - some could perhaps be replaced by
> ones from port and some could perhaps be added there in some form; and all
> could be improved.
> Ari
> Even Rouault kirjoitti 23.10.2017 klo 13:19:
>> Hi Ari,
>>> It seems to me that the WCS driver could benefit from some love.
>> That would be a good initiative!
>> In the wished feature list, I could add:
>> * improve test coverage, which is really low currently:
>> One issue we have for testing is the lack of stable & reliable servers.
>> One potential way of addressing this is to use a local HTTP server, like I
>> did recently with the /vsis3/ (and similar)
>> subsystems, where you can add stub endpoints. An extra advantage is that you
>> can also easily test error situations.
>> See
>> - example of server start and end
>> - example of installation of HTTP answers to expected requests:
>> * WCS 2.0 support
>> Even
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