Ari Jolma-2 wrote
> Ari Jolma kirjoitti 27.10.2017 klo 19:38:
>> * I'm testing against existing ArcGIS, GeoServer and MapServer servers 
>> on the net
> Version 1.0.0 seems to be usually understandable/ok but strangeness 
> begins with 1.1
> For example this request to a MapServer WCS (I'm not responsible for 
> that server so don't know much about it), which is generated in the 
> driver during a DescribeCoverage for the coverage,
> gets the response
> WCS server error. Requested BBOX 
> (46.183333325,9.833333335,46.187499995,9.837500005) is outside requested 
> coverage BBOX (9.83125,30.01040372,22.23542659,46.18958333)
> If I change the order of X and Y in the bounding box in the request, the 
> reply is ok. I'm thinking MapServer is in error here, for example 
> similar request to ArcGIS WCS server
> gets an ok response.
> The case of GeoServer is also strange
> -- GeoServer does not seem to understand that GDAL wants only a 2 x 2 
> sample - the response is huge (the whole geotiff?).
> Ari


BoundingBoxes in WCS 1.1.x and 2.x must follow the axis order of the
coordinate system, so with urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326 it must be
latitude-longitude. EPSG:3067 is natively an easting-northing system and
therefore it can make you believe that everything works fine but if you test
the Finnish services also with northing-easting system EPSG:2393 you may get
more frustration.

An open Geoserver with a DEM of Finland is available for testing at

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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