Hi Chris,

I'm not sure if this is exactly related to your issue, but here are my thoughts:

I do know that the recent poppler release relies on the C++17 standard, and there was a recent change in GDAL to accommodate this (see https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/5071 ).

In my case (for the Windows / MS4W community) I had to patch GDAL 3.4.1 for this, but in your case you might want to grab GDAL-master from git as that will be easier to handle the new poppler.


Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

On 2022-03-03 4:03 p.m., chris english wrote:
I am a weak link when it comes to CMAKE. Geos-3.10.2 and PROJ-8.2.1 were a breeze nonetheless.  A source build of libpoppler.so.119 via ./configure went smoothly.

I have consistently failed at ogrpdflayer (well, only four times so far) on 'optional', that is a C++17 thing. <-  an example of a feeble understanding of build process requirements.

Recklessly editing lines in CMakeLists.txt:
41 # check compiler and set preferences.
[ 44%] Built target gdal_STACIT
[ 44%] Building CXX object frmts/pdf/CMakeFiles/gdal_PDF.dir/ogrpdflayer.cpp.o

but further along we run across c++17 be contra-indicated as to

[ 49%] Built target gdal_PostGISRaster
[ 49%] Building CXX object frmts/dods/CMakeFiles/gdal_DODS.dir/dodsdataset2.cpp.o

from /home/chris/gdal/frmts/dods/dodsdataset2.cpp:38:
/usr/local/include/libdap/RCReader.h:114:16: error: ISO C++17 does not allow dynamic exception specifications
   114 |     RCReader() throw(Error);

which leads to a set by individual target approach as is said to be available


and were this the solution, what would it look like and where might it reside in say

CMakeCache.txt, or have I just gotten this all wrong, as I expect I have.

Ubuntu 20.04, gcc-9.3.0, and happy to have broken through to 49%, but wouldn't

that's 99% good news.


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