Hi Jukka,

The documentation in https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/oapif.html#layer-schema is wrong when it claims this:

OGR needs a fixed schema per layer, but OGC API - Features Core doesn't impose fixed schema. So the driver will retrieve the first page of features (10 features) and establish a schema from this.

I can see from the debug info and from the source code that if GDAL finds a relation of type “describedBy” for a collection then it reads and interprets the schema from the link. However, I am not sure if  GDAL in this case trusts the schema and skips scanning of the first ten features for harvesting the attributes.

It doesn't fully trust the schema provided by describedBy and still scans the first page of feature to complement it. Doc adjusted

BTW, the name of the relation type has been changed into “describedby” due to https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogcapi-features/issues/338. It is better to support both describedBy and describedby.

Thanks. Fixed too (GDAL made case insensitive comparisons)


-Jukka Rahkonen-

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