
Le 21/12/2023 à 13:55, Andrew C Aitchison via gdal-dev a écrit :
On Wed, 20 Dec 2023, Even Rouault via gdal-dev wrote:


For those not actively following github tickets & PR, I just want to point to a new pending major functionality to improve management of virtual mosaics with a very large number of tiles/sources (> tens of thousands of tiles), by referencing them as features of a vector layer (typically created by gdaltindex), instead of a XML file as in traditional VRT, augmented with additional metadata.

More details in (and in initial ticket in

Am I right in thinking that all the tiles must have the same
bit-depth and colour interpretation

Yes. If different bit-depth and rescaling is wished, you'll have to manually use for example "vrt://the.tif?scale=src_min,src_max,dst_min,dst_max" as the source name. Cf

If bands are ordered differently, similarly use things like "vrt://the.tif?bands=3,2,1" to reorder them in a uniform way.

and for paletted tiles
the same colour table ?

I've just added support for automatically expanding color tables to RGB(A) if the BAND_COUNT metadata item is set to 3 or 4.


My software is free, but my time generally not.

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