David Klaus <dkl...@carlsonsw.com> writes:

> As far as upgrading Proj4; because we build Proj4 statically in our custom
> build, it's not a trivial task to upgrade versions. Also, I think there
> might be compatibility reasons why we've stuck with 6.3.1 up until now.
> But if NAD83 realization transformation functionality has been expanded and
> improved in later versions, it might be worth it for us to upgrade. I was
> wondering, judging by the contents of the proj-datumgrid packages I've
> found online, it looks like Proj4 did not support any NAD83 realization
> transformations besides 1986->HARN before at least Proj4 7.0.

I maintain an unrelated (not geo) software package, and there my
practice is not to engage in debugging old versions.  It takes a lot of
time and in the cases the problem has been resolved already, it is
entirely not useful (to the project).

I am not saying NAD83 is better specifically if you udpate.  I really
don't know.

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