On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 11:31:21 +0300
Eugene Arshinov <earshi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 10:20:26 +0100%
> weltall <welta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've noticed various issues with file loading from command line:
> > 1) if the option load last session is not enabled project files
> > can't be opened from command line: this happens because the code to
> > handle them is wrapped in a prefs.load_lastsession if so the only
> > way to load them from command line is having that option true.
> > 2) trying to open a file (eg from double clicking in nautilus) will
> > screw your session as command line loading of single files ignores
> > your session opened files, except if geany was already opened.
> > 
> > So to fix those issues I've reorganized the code in the
> > load_startup_file function in order to:
> > 1) load the project files ignoring the session if a project file was
> > specified at command line
> > 2) allow to load more files in addition to the project file
> > (removing so the limitation imposed there artificially - possible
> > improvement to this would be adding a flag to open_cl_files as
> > argument in order to avoid that pointer toying)
> > 3) the open_cl_files is called after loading the session so the
> > specifically selected files are opened last and so are automatically
> > selected (what you would expect when opening a file from nautilus)
> > 4) if the option to load last session is not enabled and there
> > isn't a project file being loaded from command line and a project
> > is not being loaded we just try to load files from command line if
> > any
> > 
> > Stefano Angeleri
> Just to mention, I had similar objections about a year ago when I
> wrote my version of session management support (the list probably
> knows what I'm talking about).  This was discussed a little, and some
> patches were included in 'sm' branch.  For example, load_startup_files
> () function in that branch differs significantly from trunk, and
> open_cl_files() does not have a check for `argc <= 1`.  Geany's SVN
> browse seems to be unavailable now, but I think it should be possible
> there to view 'sm' branch.

The branch is still available. To checkout its 

svn co https://geany.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/geany/branches/sm

The sf viewer seems to be really down at the moment. 

> It is harder to find the discussion than the patches themselves, but
> here is a couple of links:
> <http://lists.uvena.de/pipermail/geany-devel/2009-November/001577.html>
> (X session management support)
> <http://lists.uvena.de/geany-devel/2010-January/001655.html>
> (Questions about Geany project support)
> I don't object against your patches, but I'm just pointing to existing
> discussion which may be useful.  I must note that there are no plans
> about including those patches from 'sm' branch in trunk (because
> nobody would want/have time to do it, and it won't be quite easy as
> 'sm' branch has become rather diverse from trunk), so your way is
> free :)

Well, not sure whether I'm right the branch wasn't ready for including
to trunk and nobody did care about later on. Please correct me if I'm


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