On Thu, 05 May 2011 00:40:43 +0200, Colomban wrote:

>> Also, it would make it easier to migrate to using Glade 3 with
>> GtkBuilder instead of Glade 2
>Well, not completely sure about this, even though I like GtkBuilder and
>Glade3 (it's soooo nicer than Glade2 :p): GtkBuilder was *introduced*
>in 2.12, which means the code is quite young with this release, maybe
>having important issues. I don't mean we shouldn't try to use it, but
>simply that it may be a problem because some important fixes might have
>happened in a newer release.

Good point.
But there is probably one way to find it out: test it :).
Seriously, I think we could try to get a rough converted version and
then test it on GTK 2.12.0 (or .x) to check how it works. But not today
and tomorrow.

>> (and in the long term makes getting
>> compatible with GTK3 easier, but really, later :D).
>Honestly it shouldn't be that hard to support GTK3 at some point since
>AFAIK we don't rely on the things that have largely changed in GTK3
>(size allocation, Cairo rendering, ...).

Yeah. I guess the most obvious change will be GSEAL as mentioned in
another post in this thread.


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