There's no special symbol for connections between sheets: just attach a netname= attribute to each net you want to connect. All nets with the same netname wind up connected together in the netlist.

On Sep 27, 2006, at 7:36 AM, Vaughn Treude wrote:

Hello everyone:
Sorry, but I'm having a little trouble figuring this one out.
My circuit diagram is on two sheets.  I need to connect a small number
of signals between them. I found the symbols input-1 and output-1 which
looked just like the ones that people use for this purpose.  I added
them to the circuit and designated them IO1 through IO6. One one board,
IO1 through IO3 were inputs and IO4 through IO6 were outputs, on the
other, vice versa. Of course the net list does not generate correctly;
I have to edit it by hand to merge the twelve nets with IO designators
in them.  Also I ended up defining slots, since gschem didn't like the
duplicate designators.  So now the program complains about incomplete
slot definitions. I'm sure there's something I'm missing. Is there a
special property or something I can define for these symbols so this
works correctly?  Thanks!
Vaughn T

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