> I finally figured out how to stretch and move lines by doing a
> ":Select(Connection)" command. (For some reason, it's almost
> impossible for me to grab it with just a click.) This is probably
> what you guys meant when you said a person could click and drag the
> ends of lines.

Do you have my patch that fixes the snap-to-pin window size?

> If you can grab the end of an unconnected line and drag it to change
> the length or angle of the line segment (assuming the other end of
> the line would stay put), I haven't found that feature in the
> manual.  That would be extremely useful.

That's the default for when you click on the end of a line, if you
don't have "rubber band mode" selected.  With rubber band mode, it
selects all the lines that connect to that point.  If the line is
selected, you always move the whole line, not just the end.

> The Insert Point mode would also be really useful if I could figure
> out how to use it correctly.  What I'd really like to be able to do
> is insert a point without stretching or bending the line in any way.
> I mean, I just want one line segment broken into two so I can delete
> one of the two, thereby shortening it.  Is this doable or will it
> take a code modification to make that happen?

It's easier to just move the end point.  Insert point always puts the
new point where the cursor is, which isn't always exactly on the line,
and if it was exactly on the line, pcb would merge the two segments
together anyway.

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