On Saturday 16 June 2007 06:08:36 Dave McGuire wrote:

>    Yep, that's pretty close to what I ended up doing.  I seem to
> recall, however, that it pulled down *all* revisions to every source
> file.  (this was many months and a whole lot of stressful times ago,
> so my memory of this is fuzzy)

It sounds like you'd missed the whole point of using git, and the difference 
between a "distributed" and "centralised" revision control system.  With a 
distributed VCS, everyone has a full history of the source code.

This approach has a number of advantages for developers:

 - very (very very) low cost branches
 - "blame" on a file is processor-limited, not network- or server-limited
 - same for bisecting to pin down a regression
 - robust against e.g. server disk crashes

If you don't want the full history -- perhaps you only want 100 or so 
revisions, so you can see what recent changes have been made -- then recent 
versions of git-clone have supported a --depth option.  Note that you 
can't "push" new revisions from a repository cloned with --depth, but it 
doesn't sound like you'd be doing that anyway.

You made a point about git being difficult to build on non-Linux systems, and 
mentioned trying it a couple of years ago.  Bearing in mind that git is only 
a couple of months older than two years, and was developed specifically to 
manage the Linux kernel history, this shouldn't be too surprising.  Although 
Windows support still sucks (because fork() on Windows sucks, basically) any 
problems building on Unix-y platforms is a big bug and should be reported as 


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