On 6/16/07, Mark Rages <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You might be amused by Linus's anti-CVS talk:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8

Or utterly offended.  I was at that tech-talk.  Things you should know
before watching:

* Linus has strong opinions about CVS and Subversion, and the people
who use them.

* Linus is often interpreted as being quite rude and offensive.  He
wasn't trying to be; he's trying to be casual and in the "in crowd" so
to speak.  Problem is, that style of discourse is fundamentally
incompatible with the tech-talk format.  He really pissed off a lot of
Googlers that day, including Google's own repository administration
staff, virtually guaranteeing that git will never even be a
consideration for future use at Google.  Of course, Linus doesn't
care, but a lot of _us_ do.

* Linus had no actual agenda for discussion, so he wanders around a
bit aimlessly.  Much of the hour is wasted rambling. Many people left
the talk because of that.

* Linus has many good points in the talk, but you really have to work
and dig down deep to get at them, precisely because he wanders around

* Linus loves to boast about himself and his kernel's merge
performance.  4 times a day is darn impressive indeed!  But you don't
need to drill on it.  It's all about me, me, me.  And, how Linux is a
HUGE code repository, and we're able to make use of git because
nothing else would work (implied: for us), so everyone else should be
able to benefit equally well too!  (Never mind that Google's code
repository is _mammothly_ huge compared to Linux's source tree, and we
get by just fine, albeit with some friction, with our current
centralized management system.)

* Linus is extremely long-winded.  There were lines of people dying to
ask him questions about git, but because of his extremely long-winded
answers, most just sat down (never to bother again) or left
completely.  Some even went to grab food and came back later, with
Linus _still_ answering/rambling about some previous question.

Personally, I didn't let anything he said get to me, even though I
very much disagree with his "I'm right and you're wrong" stance on the
issue.  The talk could have been substantially less emotionally and
ego driven and more responsive to audience questions, though.  Just be
prepared going in, and you'll be fine.  :)

Samuel A. Falvo II

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