
pin  1   "D1"  pas
pin  2   "NC"  pas
pin  3   "D3"  pas
pin  4   "S3"  pas
pin  5   "S4"  pas
pin  6   "D4"  pas
pin  7   "NC"  pas
pin  8   "D2"  pas
pin  9   "S2"  pas
pin 10   "IN2"  in
pin 11   "V+"  pwr
pin 12   "VL"  pwr
pin 13   "GND" pwr
pin 14   "V-"  pwr
pin 15   "IN1"  in
pin 16   "S1"  pas

J1  pins are   pas


U1.1 U1.3 U1.4 U1.5 U1.6 U1.8 J1.A4
U1.9 U1.10 U1.11 U1.12 U1.13 U1.14 U1.15 J1.B3
U1.16 J1.A4

First:  J1.A4 is used twice in effect reducing the nets to two nets

U1.1 U1.3 U1.4 U1.5 U1.6 U1.8 U1.16 J1.A4           All pins pas
U1.9 U1.10 U1.11 U1.12 U1.13 U1.14 U1.15 J1.B3      pins include types
such as pas, in and pwr 

For the second net arcording to the drc2 matrix 

1) pas may connect to pas, in or pwr
2) in may connect to in or pwr 

There for DRC2 thinks that there are no connection errors. 

>From my reading of DRC2 it tests for

1) Non numbered parts
2) Duplicate references
3) One connection nets
4) net pin types
5) slots
6) duplicated slots
7) un-used slots

I would expect complaints about duplicate slots and un-used slots. Not
about the way the pins are hooked together. One obvious weakness is that
the test schematic connects, V+, V-, VL and GND together. These are all
type pwr and thus according to the matrix they may be connected. I think
this is a weakness of pins not being heavier.

Steve Meier

On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 09:36 -0700, John Doty wrote:
> On Nov 6, 2007, at 7:27 AM, Steve Meier wrote:
> > What do we expect the schematic DRC to catch?
> >
> > 1) Detect duplicate use of reference designators, but don't  
> > complain if
> > the usage is for different slots.
> > 2) For a multi-symbol device check to make sure that the pins arn't  
> > used
> > multiple times?
> Is that an error?
> >
> > But what else and what are the implications for heavy/light symbols?
> Here's a simple schematic, with a silly useless circuit, many  
> problems. It provokes *numerous* drc2 errors and warnings, but only  
> two of them are real mistakes. And arguably, one should be able to  
> duplicate connector pins for clarity within the schematic, although  
> right now such usage doesn't netlist correctly. But drc2 misses all  
> of the intentional errors.
> >
> > Steve Meier
> >
> >
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> John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
> http://www.noqsi.com/
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