Where is a description of how this backannotation works?  Post layout 
renumbering is my biggest concern for backannotation.  What is the mechanism 
for backannotation from PCB?  If a third party tool provided a text based 
reference designator cross reference file, would it be possible to use the 
same mechanism as is used for the backannotation from PCB?

I was looking at the .sch files and it appeared that every reference 
designator was prefixed by refdes= so it seems like a very scriptable 
function if a simple cross reference file is available, even for a hardware 
guy.  I was thinking of writing something to perform this task if necessary. 
Is there a gotcha I'm missing here?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan McMahill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "gEDA user mailing list" <geda-user@moria.seul.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf capabilities

> Steve Meier wrote:
>> This can also be turned around. What are the rquirements that you have
>> for an eda tool set?
>> I tend to list the weaknesses of geda/pcb from my perspective.
>> 1) Lack of support for hierarchical buses.
>> 2) pcb lacks buried, blind and micro vias.
>> 3) no back annotation between pcb and gschem.
> #3 should read "limited back annotation between pcb and gschem".  If you
>  renumber reference designators in pcb via the Renumber() action, the
> capability to back annotate that to schematics exists today.  But that
> is it.  Manual renumbers, new instances, value changes (0.1 uF -> 0.01
> uF), pin swap, gate swaps, etc are not supported for back annotation.
> -Dan
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