Guys -

On Sat, Nov 10, 2007 at 10:53:55AM -0500, Dan McMahill wrote
 (among other things):
> Can you scroll once you're zoomed in?  This seems to be lacking in 
> matlab/octave/scilab but nearly all simulation waveform viewers have it.
> As Al mentioned, the ability to program functions is pretty darn 
> important.  This is an area where tools like matlab/octave/scilab are in 
> good shape and gwave (along with many other waveform viewers) is lacking.

Sounds like what you want is a plug-in for octave, and to add some
new features to the octave graphics engine (the new octplot one, not
the old gnuplot hack).

> > Any reason to reinvent the wheel?
> We'd like a round one?  Don't get me wrong, I think there are a bunch of 
> "sort of close" tools around, but I haven't come across one which didn't 
> have some sort of major (to me at least) deficiency.   Even in the high 
> cost arena, the cadence waveform viewer is almost good but has some 
> areas where it stinks.

So take an octagonal one and start filing.

    - Larry

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