Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 12:41 -0300, Alex Lopes Pereira wrote:
>> Does someone knows how to convert a schematic made in PCAD to gEDA
>> gschem ?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Alex
> Not off the top of my head, but if PCAD has a "human" readable format
> (e.g. can be opened in a text editor, and makes "some" _sense_), we
> could probably have a stab at writing a simple converter.

I believe there is an ascii format option.  Many years ago (before 
moving to pcb) I used Accel EDA (what PCAD used to be called) for the 
layout of a patch antenna with microstrip feed network.  It was terribly 
suited for something like that where the layout is the circuit.  I ended 
up writing an awk program which spit out an ascii file that Accel could 
read.  My memory is that the file format was not documented but not too 
hard to figure out.

> In the general case, the only way to translate schematics is to redraw
> them. You can insert a picture in the background (of the old layout,
> from a screen capture for example) if that helps to "trace" the
> original.
> Who make PCAD?

Altium.  It is actually a pretty nice tool.


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