
Are the files in a text based format?

Steve Meier

On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 11:53 -0700, Steven Ball wrote:
> On Nov 28, 2007, at 9:53 AM, Dan McMahill wrote:
> > Peter Clifton wrote:
> >> On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 12:41 -0300, Alex Lopes Pereira wrote:
> >>> Does someone knows how to convert a schematic made in PCAD to gEDA
> >>> gschem ?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks a lot,
> >>> Alex
> >>
> >> Not off the top of my head, but if PCAD has a "human" readable format
> >> (e.g. can be opened in a text editor, and makes "some" _sense_), we
> >> could probably have a stab at writing a simple converter.
> >
> > I believe there is an ascii format option.  Many years ago (before
> > moving to pcb) I used Accel EDA (what PCAD used to be called) for the
> > layout of a patch antenna with microstrip feed network.  It was  
> > terribly
> > suited for something like that where the layout is the circuit.  I  
> > ended
> > up writing an awk program which spit out an ascii file that Accel  
> > could
> > read.  My memory is that the file format was not documented but not  
> > too
> > hard to figure out.
> I have a ton of old schematics in PCAD 8.7, which runs on DOS.  If  
> there was a way to import them to gschem, I'd be pretty darn happy.  I  
> also have a ton of PCAD PCB files as well, which would be neat to get  
> into PCB, but...
> I don't know where to start to make something like this happen, but if  
> anyone needs a complex example of a PCAD schematic/PCB, let me know,  
> and I would be more than happy to provide.  I have symbols/footprints  
> too that I'd love to convert.  I'm pretty good at programming and  
> could help out with the effort once I got up to speed a bit...
> It would be really neat if there was a way to generalize the whole  
> thing, like, take a Gerber backwards into PCB and gschem.  Like, pull  
> it into PCB, mark up what footprints belong to what component,  
> generate a netlist, and something of a start for a schematic.  Would  
> make the whole geda suite really compelling for new users if they  
> could import old designs.
> All new designs I do are with geda tools.  I'm more than happy to help  
> support this project in exchange for knowing I am not going to get  
> stuck in a bind with a dongle.
> -Steve
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