Just to show off what I have been working. The two attached files
include a script for reading in a schematic file. The second is my
attempt to document the api that either exists or that I have been
implementing. Comments, suggestions are always welcome. If we can figure
out the pcad file formats I would be happy to modify or tweek the api
for the sake of translating the pcad files.

Depending on interest I can do a code release either (as i had planned)
after I have the vhdl, spice, verilog netlist formats, or earlier (after
i complete the basic schematic, symbol file io migration to guile) and a
trivial translation application.

Steve Meier

Dan McMahill wrote:
> Steven Ball wrote:
>> The PDIF writer seems to be able to convert anything to an ASCII output.
>> http://snurkle.net/~hamster/geda/
> By any chance does the documentation for PCAD have details on that 
> format?  If not, it looks like it could largely be figured out.
>> I'll dig around and see if I can find a .pcb file to convert and post  
>> as well.  Let me know what you think and how I can be of help.
> just to clarify, pcad uses .pcb too as the suffix.  The format you'll 
> get there is similar in style to the schematics.
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> geda-user mailing list
> geda-user@moria.seul.org
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;;; AKEDA - Alaskan Electronic Design Automation
;;; aknetlist - GNU Netlist
;;; Copyright (C) 2007 Stephen F Meier
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;; Inport an AKEDA style schematic as a page in libakeda

(use-modules (srfi srfi-13))
(use-modules (ice-9 popen))
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))

(define OBJ_LINE        "L" );
(define OBJ_BOX         "B" );
(define OBJ_PICTURE     "G" );
(define OBJ_CIRCLE      "V" );
(define OBJ_NET_SEGMENT "N" );
(define OBJ_BUS_SEGMENT "U" );
(define OBJ_COMPLEX     "C" );
(define OBJ_TEXT        "T" );
(define OBJ_PIN         "P" );
(define OBJ_ARC         "A" ); 
(define OBJ_ROUTE       "R" ); 
(define OBJ_THRU_HOLE   "H" ); 
(define OBJ_BUSRIPPER   "S" );
(define OBJ_EMPTY       "0" );
(define OBJ_VERSION     "v" );
(define OBJ_PLACEHOLDER "X" );

(define STARTATTACH_ATTR	"{" );	
(define ENDATTACH_ATTR		"}" );	
(define START_EMBEDDED		"[" );	
(define END_EMBEDDED		"]" );	

(define (akeda-sch-read sch-filename tl_bool)
  (let ((port (open-input-file sch-filename)))
    (define my_page (ak-toplevel-new-page sch-filename tl_bool))
    (define buffer "")
    (define buf_str "")
    (define my_line "")
    (define new_obj_smob "")
    (define attach_obj_smob "")
    (define embed_obj_smob "")
    (define str_list "")
    (define my_string "")
    (define index 0)
    (define num_lines 0)
    (define selected "0")
    (define visible "0")
    (define locked "0")
    (define schematic_attrib_type "1")
    (define symbol_attrib_type "0")
    (define state_attach #f)
    (define state_embed #f)
    (define state_text #f)
    (define x2 0)
    (define y2 0)
    (while (not (eof-object? buf_str))
	   (set! buffer (%read-line port))
	   (set! buf_str (car buffer))
	   (if (not (eof-object? buf_str)) 
		 (set! my_line (string-split buf_str #\space))
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) STARTATTACH_ATTR) 
		       (set! state_attach #t)
		       (set! attach_obj_smob new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) ENDATTACH_ATTR) 
		       (set! state_attach #f)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) START_EMBEDDED) 
		       (set! state_embed #t)
		       (set! embed_obj_smob new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) END_EMBEDDED) 
		       (set! state_embed #f)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_TEXT) 

		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_TEXT selected visible locked))
		       (ak-text-new new_obj_smob (list-ref my_line 1) (list-ref my_line 2) (list-ref my_line 4) (list-ref my_line 8)
				    (list-ref my_line 7) (list-ref my_line 9) (list-ref my_line 5) (list-ref my_line 6) (list-ref my_line 3))
		       (set! index 0)
		       (set! num_lines (list-ref my_line 9))

		       (set! num_lines (string->number (list-ref my_line 9)))
		       (set! str_list (make-list num_lines))

		       (while (< index num_lines)
				(set! my_string (car (%read-line port)))
				(display my_string)
				(display "\n")
				(list-set! str_list index my_string)
				(set! index (+ index 1))
		       (set! my_string (string-join str_list " "))
		       (ak-text-set-string new_obj_smob my_string)
		       (if state_attach 
			     (ak-object-attrib-new attach_obj_smob new_obj_smob schematic_attrib_type)
			     (if state_embed
				   (ak-complex-attach-object embed_obj_smob new_obj_smob)
				   (ak-object-attrib-new embed_obj_smob new_obj_smob symbol_attrib_type)
				   (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_BUS_SEGMENT) 
		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_BUS_SEGMENT selected visible locked))
		       (ak-segment-new new_obj_smob (list-ref my_line 1) (list-ref my_line 2) (list-ref my_line 3) (list-ref my_line 4)  "1")
		       (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_COMPLEX) 
		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_COMPLEX selected visible locked))
		       (ak-complex-new new_obj_smob (list-ref my_line 1) (list-ref my_line 2) "0" "0" "0" (list-ref my_line 6))
		       (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_NET_SEGMENT) 
		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_NET_SEGMENT selected visible locked))
		       (ak-segment-new new_obj_smob (list-ref my_line 1) (list-ref my_line 2) (list-ref my_line 3) (list-ref my_line 4)  "0")
		       (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_ARC) 
		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_ARC selected visible locked))
		       (ak-arc-new new_obj_smob (list-ref my_line 1) (list-ref my_line 2) (list-ref my_line 1) (list-ref my_line 2)
				   (list-ref my_line 1) (list-ref my_line 2) (list-ref my_line 1))
		       (if state_embed
			     (ak-complex-attach-object embed_obj_smob new_obj_smob)
			     (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_BOX) 
		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_BOX selected visible locked))
		       (set! x2 (+ (string->number (list-ref my_line 1)) (string->number (list-ref my_line 3))))
		       (set! y2 (+ (string->number (list-ref my_line 2)) (string->number (list-ref my_line 4))))
		       (ak-box-new new_obj_smob (list-ref my_line 1) (list-ref my_line 2) (number->string x2) (number->string y2)
				   (list-ref my_line 5) (list-ref my_line 8) (list-ref my_line 6))
		       (if state_embed
			     (ak-complex-attach-object embed_obj_smob new_obj_smob)
			     (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_CIRCLE) 
		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_CIRCLE selected visible locked))
		       (if state_embed
			     (ak-complex-attach-object embed_obj_smob new_obj_smob)
			     (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_LINE) 
		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_LINE selected visible locked))
		       (ak-line-new new_obj_smob (list-ref my_line 5) (list-ref my_line 8) 
				    (list-ref my_line 1) (list-ref my_line 2) (list-ref my_line 3) 
				    (list-ref my_line 4) (list-ref my_line 7))
		       (if state_embed
			     (ak-complex-attach-object embed_obj_smob new_obj_smob)
			     (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_PICTURE) 
		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_PICTURE selected visible locked))
		       (if state_embed
			     (ak-complex-attach-object embed_obj_smob new_obj_smob)
			     (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
		 (if (string=? (list-ref my_line 0) OBJ_PIN) 
		       (set! new_obj_smob (ak-object-new OBJ_PIN selected visible locked))
		       (if state_embed
			     (ak-complex-attach-object embed_obj_smob new_obj_smob)
			     (ak-page-attach-object my_page new_obj_smob)
      (close-input-port port)

Attachment: guile_interface_rev0.02.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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