
My work is heavily derived from geda. If it makes sense for the main
geda project to merge my efforts back in then I am very happy to to have

Steve Meier

Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 17:43 -0800, Steve Meier wrote:
>> Just to show off what I have been working. The two attached files
>> include a script for reading in a schematic file. The second is my
>> attempt to document the api that either exists or that I have been
>> implementing. Comments, suggestions are always welcome. If we can figure
>> out the pcad file formats I would be happy to modify or tweek the api
>> for the sake of translating the pcad files.
>> Depending on interest I can do a code release either (as i had planned)
>> after I have the vhdl, spice, verilog netlist formats, or earlier (after
>> i complete the basic schematic, symbol file io migration to guile) and a
>> trivial translation application.
> This is all interesting stuff, please keep us informed.
> If libgeda were to come to a similar level of tidyness, with a sane
> guile binding, would you be interested to merge or combine forces?
> In any case, I'm watching this work with interest, as I'm sure the we
> have things to learn from each other.
> All the best,

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