On Thursday 06 December 2007 00:02:11 Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 12:43 -0800, Ben Jackson wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 11:11:35AM -0800, Steve Meier wrote:
> > > One way you can do this today is to at the schematic level add a
> > > footprint attribute to each symbol as you place them. The pain is that
> > > if you have a thousand resisters you have to do each one individualy.
> >
> > I basically do this.  I place one resistor, mark it 0603, 10k and then
> > I try to only cut'n'paste it from then on.  Sometimes I royally screw
> > up my refdes's as a result...  Maybe gschem needs a 'copy without refdes'
> > option.
> I have a vague memory of seeing an auto-increment refdes thing
> somewhere. 

In gschem: Attributes -> Autonumber text...

> If it doesn't exist (and I just made it up), would it be 
> useful?

It's very useful.


Peter Brett

Electronic Systems Engineer
Integral Informatics Ltd

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