It is an animated inductor,  it gets very depressed when you call it a
paperclip!  It wishes that it had a iron core, but alas it is air


On Dec 6, 2007 9:31 AM, Dave N6NZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Clifton wrote:
> >
> > I have a vague memory of seeing an auto-increment refdes thing
> > somewhere. If it doesn't exist (and I just made it up), would it be
> > useful?
> I think it would simply annoy me.  I have adopted the convention of
> including the sheet number in the refdes, e.g.: C22 is a cap somewhere
> on sheet 2.  Perhaps if I could plug in a script that ran on component
> insert events, but no.... what should it do if I delete one?  Should it
> try to fill in the hole with the next one?
> I get a vision of gschem having an animated paper clip pop up and say:
> "I see you are trying to rename a component instance... would you like
> me to randomly scramble all your refdes attributes?".....
> -dave
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